Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Experience With A Patient Who Was Diagnosed With...

Holistic Essay Karanjit Johal Stenberg College Nurses face many challenges everyday and it is essential to appropriately assess each patient before treating them. Having been an LPN for over seven years, I have learnt a lot and I continue to learn. Recently I had an experience with a patient that changed the way I complete my assessments due to the critical thinking I am currently learning in this program. According to Mariano (2005) nurses need to provide care for their patient’s with a holistic approach opposed to only concentrating on the medical symptoms that they are presenting, (Mariano, 2005, p. 48). I now pay more attention to the cognitive and psychological portions of my assessments. In this essay I will discuss a personal experience I had with a patient who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and alcohol abuse. He came into my ward experiencing suicidal ideations and hallucinations. Nurses need to develop care plans based on patients’ physiological, psychological, spiritual, and psychosocial domains to e nsure they receive therapeutic care with a holistic approach.nice intro My patient came into my ward with extreme hallucinations, sweating, scratching his arms, and telling me â€Å"someone was coming to get him.† He had a history of alcohol abuse and I could smell it on his breath when he came into the unit. I started off with conducting my physiological assessment that included vitals (blood pressure, pulse, temperature, oxygen saturation andShow MoreRelatedThe Health Related Issue Bipolar Disease1049 Words   |  5 PagesThe following essay will look at the health related issue bipolar disease first previously described as ‘manic depression insanity’ was seen as different from other mental illnesses by psychiatrist Emil Krapelin in 1899 (Goodwin, Guy, Sachs, Gary, 2010).However the illness ‘bipolar’ was named in the 1960’s by psychiatrist Angsy and Perris who both understood the illness happened in mania and mood altitude (Goodwin, Guy, Sa chs, Gary, 2010). According to the National Institute of Mental health in manyRead MoreMental Illness / Disorders ( Ocd ) And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1612 Words   |  7 PagesMENTAL ILLNESS/DISORDERS A mental illness or disorder is a medical condition that can alter a person’s emotions, thoughts, mood, and actions, sometimes causing the person difficulty relating to others and daily functioning. (â€Å"Mental Health Conditions.†) It is a condition that keeps the person from coping with their everyday lives if it is not addressed and properly treated. Mental illness is a sickness of the mind that may involve a mental breakdown so serious that the patient must have specialRead MoreNursing Management Of A Patient With Bipolar Disorder1280 Words   |  6 PagesRunning Head: Bipolar Disorder Nursing Management of a Patient with Bipolar Disorder Maninder Kaur Von- 16 Los Medanos College Bipolar Disorder Abstract Today, I am going to presenting my case study on a patient named Ms. TD who admitted to Contra Costa County Hospital in a psychiatric emergency on February 20, 2016 with a primary diagnosis of bipolar disorder. She comes to the emergency department on a legal status 5250, which a qualified officer or clinician to involuntarilyRead MoreBipolar Disorder : A Diagnosis On The Rise1720 Words   |  7 PagesAutumn Leja December 8, 2014 Essay 3 Bipolar Disorder: a Diagnosis on the Rise   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Before researching this topic, I used to think that Bipolar Disorder was a very rare mental illness and in most cases, a misdiagnoses. There are many misconceptions about Bipolar Disorder and mental illness as a whole. Bipolar Disorder has become an epidemic in America and affects nearly everyone in some way. The term Bipolar is increasingly being misused to describe someone having a bad day or being excessivelyRead More mood, substance, and personality disorders Essay1729 Words   |  7 Pagesand Personality Disorders nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Do you know a person that has sudden mood swings? Do you wonder why they act like they do? Their actions could be a result of a type of mood disorder. Mood disorders are part of the Axis One disorders that are found in the DSM IV. Axis One is all categories of disorders except for personality disorders. People who have mood disorders are diagnosed to have a pattern of severe depressive and manic episodes. One major mood disorder that will be discussedRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder1642 Words   |  7 Pagesof not a good day. It is normal, but they didn’t realize that few emotions can affect their lives. Bipolar disorder is a serious illness that causes the brain to shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels like excited for new change and became emotional suddenly. Most people think it is normal to have the moods, but they are different that everybody is having hard time to control it. Imagine a man who been together with his wife for 40 years and she suddenly died which it is part of the life becauseRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1188 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Bipolar disorder has nothing to do with the ups and downs we all experience in life; it is much more severe, debilitating, and incapacitating† (Nordqvist, 2016). The description of bipolar disorder is a brain disorder which causes unexpected shifts in mood, energy, activi ty levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. There are many factors that causes bipolar disorder, it can be genetic, brain-chemical imbalance, hormonal problems, and environmental. When bipolar was distinct in the firstRead MoreThe Use Of Recreational Drugs And Its Effects On Mental Health2286 Words   |  10 PagesThe use of recreational drugs has been common among humans ever since their psychoactive effects and ability to alter consciousness was discovered. A downside to this is that according to research, substance use has been linked to the development and expression of latent mental illness (a mental disorder that a person may carry the genes for but not express). My main research focus is the question of how drug use, especially hallucinogenic drugs, mediates and effects mental health, and whether itRead MoreBipolar Disorder in Song Lyrics Essay1024 Words   |  5 PagesSongwriters write about their lives since their lyrics are a reflection of their personal ex periences. Often, a coping mechanism for dealing with a problem is to bring the issue out in the open. The lead singer and song writer of alternative rock band Blue October, Justin Furstenfeld explains on a suicide prevention video that he has â€Å"battled with bipolar disorder, psychiatric tendencies as well as anxiety issues throughout much of his life and admits he self-harmed during his teenage years andRead MoreLiving With Bipolar Disorder ( Ptsd )2313 Words   |  10 Pages Living with Bipolar Disorder Smith, J. Segal, and R. Segal (2010) shared that bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that cause shifts in a person’s mood, activities levels, and energy. The symptoms of this mental illness are severe to those affected by it. Some may experience unusually severe high and low patterns in their mood; others may feel suicidal and isolated from the world as well (Smith, J. Segal, R. Segal 2010). The Treatment Advocacy Center

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